Our Statement on Upcoming State Supreme Court Hearing on Charter Case

For Immediate Release | May 2, 2018

Today, the Washington State Charter Schools Association (WA Charters) released the following statement:

“We are aware that some have called on a state Supreme Court justice to recuse from the latest legal challenge to Washington’s strong charter school law. Our association, schools, families and students have the utmost respect for the Supreme Court and its ability to determine cases based on the merits. We do not believe any recusal is necessary or justified. On May 17, our student and family intervenors will be in Olympia as the Supreme Court hears arguments in the appeal of a legal challenge to Washington’s charter public school law, which was upheld by the King County Superior Court earlier this year. Washington’s charter law has now been approved by state voters, affirmed by the legislature, and upheld by the Superior Court. It is unique both in its strong accountability measures and in its emphatic focus on improving public education options for low-income, disadvantaged, and special needs students. A sizeable majority of students enrolled in Washington’s 10 operating charter public schools are students of color and from low-income households.”