About Charter Public Schools
Washington’s charter public schools are FREE, OPEN TO ALL, DELIVER PROVEN RESULTS, and are an important part of a public school system that meets the needs of all students in Washington state.
One Size Doesn’t Fit All
Traditional public schools are working for many, but not all students. Families need free, public options that fit unique needs and learning styles.
More Flexibility, Strong Accountability
Charter public schools have more flexibility than traditional public schools to be nimble, adaptive, and take creative approaches. In exchange, they must meet a high bar for demonstrating student success and school quality.
Identity-Affirming, Community-Rooted Public School Options
Washington’s charter public schools attract and serve higher rates of Black, Indigenous, and Students of Color, and are staffed by over double the number of BIPOC teachers as compared to traditional public schools statewide.
Who are Washington’s charter public schools attracting and serving?
Student & Teacher Demographics

Quick Facts


Charter public schools have the flexibility to meet the needs of their students while still being held to Washington State’s high standards. They must:
- Comply with most of the same accountability, oversight, and transparency laws applicable to traditional public schools
- Be approved through a rigorous application process to assure the highest-quality schools
- Be overseen by a local school board or a state commission
- Demonstrate success and high-performance
- Be reauthorized after five years and can be closed for poor performance.
- Submit to the most important and direct form of local control – keeping parents and students satisfied.