Family Events & Resources


How to Support WA Charter Public Schools

2022 Advocacy Workshop Resources

Attend WA Charters Events

Email the WA Charters Team

  • Darcelina Soloria – Regional Advocacy & Organizing Manager (Eastern WA)
  • JT Williams – Regional Advocacy & Organizing Manager (Western WA)

Special Education

Difference Between a 504 and IEP

  • Section 504 (of the Rehabilitation Act)
    • Anti-discrimination law
    • Definition of student with a disability is broad (any mental or physical impairment that substantially limits a major life activity)
    • Section 504 Plans generally list accommodations a student needs in school.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (“IDEA”)
    • Special education law
    • Definition of child with a disability is more specific
    • IEPs (Individualized Education Programs) include areas of “Specially Designed Instruction” in addition to accommodations, related services, etc..

What Every Parent Needs to Know – Protecting the Educational Rights of Students with Disabilities

Tips and Tools for Families – Prior Written Notice (PWN)

IEP/504 Back to School with OEO

OEO Toolkits and Resources

Office of the Education Ombuds

What is OEO?

  • The Office of the Education Ombuds (OEO) was founded by the state legislature in 2006 to support families in Washington state.
  • OEO’s Mission: We work with families, communities, and schools to address problems together so that every student can fully participate and thrive in Washington’s K-12 public schools.
  • What is OEO EnglishwithSubtitle 02 11 2018 1
  • Free, Confidential & Independent Resource
    • Individual support with information and informal conflict resolution
    • Training and Outreach
    • Policy Work

Meet OEO (Intro to the Office of the Education Ombuds)

How to Contact OEO

Preventing Summer Learning Loss

What is Summer Learning Loss?

What do our students lose over a summer?

Due to a lack of quality learning over the summer, students lose ground. On average, the impact is:

  • 2.6 months of math loss
  • 2 months of reading loss
  • 1 month of learning is lost
  • 6 wks. of re-learning old material in the fall

To not lose academic ground, students should do academic work for 2-3 hrs. per week to keep on track from June to September.

How to Prevent Summer Learning Loss

Learning Options & Opportunities for the Summer

Preparing for the New School Year

School and Child Care Immunizations Information for Families

Ways to best support your scholar’s education

  • Your involvement helps support your scholar to make greater achievement. Set a timer weekly to check-in with your scholar on how they are doing and utilize any tools that your school supplies (PowerSchool, Google Classroom or connecting with teachers to get outstanding work info).

Building a relationship with your scholars’ teachers

  • Your teacher is the best connection to where your scholar is in their learning journey.
  • Be Proactive at the beginning of the school year in getting to know your teachers, school, and office staff. Email introduction is a good start, make sure there is a reply and hold the school accountable for replies.
  • Sharing information that can be helpful in the teacher getting to know your child: learning styles, barriers (anxiety, poor experiences in the past, etc).
  • Make sure to reach out to them if somethings not going well or you have questions (email for record)


  • Put days off and events in your calendar under a different color for school stuff.
  • Have a family calendar that everyone can see to know what is going on.
  • The best organizing options are the ones that work for your student.  The way you organize may not work for your student- let them lead on this.
  • Support good attendance by trying to schedule appointments outside of school time if possible.


2-7 yrs. Brain Development

8-10 yrs. Brain Development

Teenage Brain Development

Back to school transition and anxiety about school starting

Meet our Advocacy Team

WA Charters Events

These public events are open to all who are interested, and we look forward to seeing you there! If you have questions, please feel free to email JT at or Darcelina at

Advocacy 301: Run of Show

Please join us to discuss some easy ways you can support your charter public school. This will give you information on our plans for the 2025 legislative session.

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2025 Legislative Session Kick-off

Please join us to kick-off the 2025 legislative session in style! We will discuss what we have been hearing, pertinent bills for education, and a forecast for the 2025 legislative session.

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January Legislative Session Update

This virtual event is for charter public school families, friends, staff, and community members to come together and learn about the progress of our legislative priorities and steps you can take to help support our priorities.

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