Legislative Priorities

Every student deserves a public education that puts them on a path to success, but one size doesn’t fit all, and many students do not have access to opportunities they deserve.
Washington’s charter public schools provide additional free, innovative, student-centered, and community-rooted options. Together with our school, family, and community partners, WA Charters is working to create a more equitable public education system.


Charter Public Schools in WA State


Students Served


Employment of BIPOC Teachers
(compared to statewide)


Enrollment of Black Students
(compared to statewide)

Funding Equity

The average student at a Washington state charter public school receives 25% less in ongoing funding than a student at a traditional public school. This funding gap means there are fewer resources for students who need that funding most. This inequity persists because charter public schools are not entitled to local property tax levies, creating a funding gap from $1,500 to $3,000 per student, and do not receive dedicated facilities funding.

More Time to Open New Schools

State law capped charter school openings at 40 within a five-year span, which ended in 2021. Today, there are 17 charter public schools. Allowing time for up to 40 to open would fulfill the legislative and voter intent and benefit marginalized students.

Facilities Funding

Unlike traditional public schools, Washington’s charters do not have dedicated funding for facilities. As a result, about 10% of charter budgets, intended to support teaching and learning, go to facilities.

Special Education

Together with other public education advocates, we are passionate about improving special education services for all students in our state who qualify for them.


“I advocate for every child to have an opportunity. One box does not fit all, every child should be able to learn to the best of their abilities in their own personal style. Every one of my kids is different, they all learn differently. Somehow or other, PRIDE has managed to tap into how each of those kids learn and they are successful at getting them to learn.”

Janice, Parent, PRIDE Schools

"At my charter public school, the teachers and support staff have been willing to find workarounds to accommodate the challenges my family has experienced and make sure that my scholar is supported and able to learn. Parents like me can easily connect with teachers and faculty to create a support team for issues that may arise and find a solution together that will help support each kid individually."

Parent, Catalyst Public Schools

Illustration of Washington State with a checkmark

About Charter Public Schools

Illustration of Washington State with a checkmark

Enrollment & Data