WEBINAR: Distance Learning During COVID-19

May 1, 2020 | Blog

Washington was one of the first states to mandate school closures in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

School administrators and teachers across the state mobilized to transition to alternative methods of teaching and learning. Washington’s charter public schools were able to quickly adapt to provide meaningful distance learning.

We were inspired to learn alongside 120 attendees at our Distance Learning Webinar, co-hosted by the Center on Reinventing Public Education, about the promising practices that Washington’s charter public schools have put in place in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Charter public schools in Washington were able to quickly pivot to provide meaningful distance learning for their students because of design elements that were already in place at their schools.

Leaders from Impact Public Schools, Rainier Prep, and Summit Public Schools shared their innovative practices for navigating challenges that schools all over the country face as they transition to distance learning, including:

  • Providing effective remote instruction to students in grades K-2
  • Creating shared expectations for teacher work
  • Empowering students and parents to shape their remote learning experiences 
  • Planning ahead to support students in the Fall


Q+A: Read the Q+A responses prepared by CRPE