Catalyst Bremerton Families: Why We Love Our School

Mar 20, 2023 | School Highlights, Stories

Catalyst Public Schools | Bremerton is a K-8 charter public school, founded and launched by Amanda Gardner and Tatiana Epanchin. The Bremerton community expressed demand and need for an additional public school option for families, and the school co-founders brought deep experience leading other high-performing charter public schools across the country to help make the dream of a charter public school a reality.

Now in its third year, Catalyst: Bremerton is truly catalyzing educational experiences for students and showing strong results. In 2021-22, Catalyst: Bremerton was the top performing school in their Educational Services District (ESD 114). Students with disabilities and students from low-income households at Catalyst outperformed their peers in these subgroups across the ESD. Overall, Catalyst students outperformed peers in Math and Reading.

These results are not surprising. They are rooted in a powerful social emotional learning program that fosters the school’s core values of belonging, resiliency, achievement, vulnerability, and enthusiasm (BRAVE). 

Catalyst has extremely high family satisfaction, as evidenced by the expressions of love and gratitude captured below. For more information, or to learn more about Catalyst: Bremerton, please visit