I-1240 is One Step Forward on Washington’s Path to Improving Education for All Students

Oct 12, 2012 | Featured, News, Opinion

Washington state’s education system must change in big ways — and it will, partly by stick and potentially by choice.

The stick is the recent state Supreme Court decision in McCleary v. State of Washington, which declared the state has utterly failed in its paramount duty to adequately fund basic education.

The choice is on the Nov. 6 ballot: Initiative 1240 asks voters to approve a limited experiment with charter schools. … The Seattle Times editorial board strongly endorses I-1240, asking voters to provide this tool to help better serve students, specifically those most at risk for failing or dropping out.

Washington state has been behind the curve on this issue — 41 states have charter schools and Washington lost out on a federal Race to the Top grant because it did not. …

The point is, change that serves the most students is not happening fast enough.