Voters Should Approve I-1240 to ‘Create More Opportunities for Children to Learn’

Oct 23, 2012 | Featured, News, Opinion

… Charter schools are publicly funded, independent schools established by teachers, parents or community groups that abide by terms of a charter with a local or state authority. …

Performance ultimately comes down to the transfer of knowledge from a teacher to a student, and the student’s comprehension of the material.

Creating more opportunities for children to learn is a good idea, and if that includes establishing schools structured a little differently than most, it should be an option. Locally, Moscow has shown success with its charter schools, and while there are no current plans to add one to Whitman County, voters there have examples in Moscow of what they are being asked to consider next month.

Every school district and region of the state is different. Charter schools won’t fit all of those districts, but they might fit some, and for those it should be an option.