Statement in response to the I-1240 lawsuit

Jul 9, 2013 | Blog

In response to the recent lawsuit filed challenging the voter-supported I-1240 initiative, the Washington State Charters Schools Association issued a statement that can be found below. Note that the Association also answered some frequently asked questions regarding this action.

Please take the time to read the information below, and know that the Association is confident that I-1240 will pass constitutional muster. We are continuing to work tirelessly with Washington State and potential public charter school parents, advocates and leaders to ensure that public charter schools will open to serve our students in 2014. An FAQ about the lawsuit can be found here.

July 8, 2013 – Public charter schools are part of a range of solutions that will enable every child in Washington to have access to a great education. Washington parents and voters agreed with this when they approved Washington’s charter school law last year.

In November, 2012, parents and voters approved the creation of up to 40 public charter schools over the next five years, making Washington the 42nd state to offer charters to students, parents and communities. Charter schools are free public schools that are allowed to be more innovative and are held accountable for improved student achievement.

Named one of the strongest charter laws in the nation by the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, this law was vetted by Washington constitutional law experts and national educators.

Based on demand from parents and communities across the state, the process of authorizing and opening high-quality public charter schools has already begun in Washington. In order to accelerate the creation of new, high-performing charters, we recently created the Washington State Charter Schools Association. This statewide nonprofit will support the start-up of high-quality public charter schools and will help educators and school leaders as they open schools to serve high-need students who do not currently have access to high-performing schools.

We are, and will remain focused on improving public education. We will continue to work with school leaders, parents and community leaders to help create schools that will meet the needs of students across Washington State.

More information about the Association can be found at