“For Families” Page Provides One-Stop Spot for Charters Info

Aug 9, 2013 | Blog

As a parent, it can sometimes be difficult to find the right information you need for guiding your child’s education. With all of the websites, blogs, and Twitter feeds constantly pushing out content, it can be an overwhelming task to find accurate and useful resources about charter schools all in one place.

That’s why we’ve created a one-stop spot for parents, caregivers, and family members on everything you need to know about public charter schools in Washington state. Based on your feedback, we’ve developed a For Families page that provides timely information on the latest charter schools information.

On the page, you can find a number of great resources. Our What Are Public Charter Schools? resource explains what public charter schools are and how they will operate in Washington state. Commonly Asked Questions about Charter Schools gives you answers to the questions and issues we hear most from families. We also provide the top reasons why families support public charter schools and provide information on how families can get involved. In addition, learn what a great school looks like and let us know of any additional questions you may have about charters by finding out the right folks to contact.

Whether you are just beginning to learn about charters, or are actively looking to enroll your child in a public charter school, the “For Families” page has all of the information you need to begin to make the best educational choices for your child. Thanks to your input, we’ve provided all of these helpful resources in one convenient spot. We encourage you to take a look and let us know of anything else you would like to see from the Association. We’ll continue to update information as we receive feedback from families.

Also, be sure to check us out on Facebook and Twitter pages to stay updated on the latest public charter school news and to provide feedback. We’re looking forward to working with you as we continue on the road to implementing high quality public charters schools for students in Washington state.