Partner Statements on State Supreme Court Ruling

Sep 5, 2015 | Blog, News, Updates

WA Charters is not the only organization to weigh in on the State Supreme Court ruling on public charter schools. Take a look at the excerpts below and links to the full statements from state and national partners.

Democrats for Education Reform: DFER-WA Statement on Washington State Supreme Court Ruling on Public Charter Schools

“Late yesterday, the Washington Supreme Court issued a decision that creates chaos and uncertainty for families across the state and hurts students who just started the year in one of the new public charter schools. The decision pulls the rug out from underneath students at the worst possible time – after they have started attending classes and bonding with their teachers and classmates.”

National Alliance for Public Charter Schools: National Alliance Reacts to Washington State Supreme Court Ruling on Constitutionality of State Charter School Law

“We are shocked by and deeply disappointed in the Washington State Supreme Court’s wrongheaded and ill-advised decision that the state’s public charter school law is unconstitutional. Notwithstanding the Court’s dubious legal gymnastics, it is unimaginable that public charter schools – legal in every state where the question has ever been raised – have been deemed unconstitutional in Washington.”

Stand for Children: Court’s Ruling on Charter Schools an Affront to Vulnerable Students

Nearly 1200 Washington families have made the careful choice to send their children to high-quality public charter schools in pursuit of a better education for their children. Nine of the ten charter schools in the state have already started class for this school year. This ruling makes the future of those students uncertain.

You can read WA Charters’ full statement on the State Supreme Court ruling here: