WA Charters’ Statement on White House Proposed FY2018 Budget

For Immediate Release | May 23, 2017

Seattle, WA — This morning, the White House released its proposed FY2018 budget. The Washington State Charter Schools Association released the following statement in response to the proposal:

“We support the current administration’s continued investment in high-quality charter public schools by increasing the federal charter school program. We are strong advocates for excellent public education and expanded public school options for families through the charter public school sector.

“However, the proposed $54 billion in overall cuts —over $9 billion coming from the Department of Education alone—would have broad, long-lasting, and negative consequences for students, families, and communities in Washington and across the country.  Furthermore, we are advocates for an excellent public education system, not a private one; we do not support a voucher system. Nor do we support a system where money is going to for-profit providers of any kind, or that has lax accountability and oversight.

“In Washington state, our charter public school law is one of the strongest in the nation in terms of its focus on closing the opportunity gap and creating access to a great public education for students who are frequently left behind. We oppose cuts to programs that undermine our ability to focus on students who need us the most and look forward to working with other advocates to oppose cuts within and beyond the Department of Education that will negatively impact public school students and American families. We call on Congress to find better alternatives that can support both charter public schools and the public education system as a whole.”