Meet Abdul.

Oct 31, 2018 | Stories

My name is Abdul, and I’m in 9th grade at Summit Atlas in West Seattle. I live close by, in High Point, and heard about a new charter public school option from around the neighborhood.

At home, I’m the oldest of five. I live with my mom, dad, two little brothers, and two little sisters. My dad runs a truck company and my mom is training to become a home care nurse. It’s fun and not fun being the oldest – I have a lot of control over what happens. When my dad isn’t home, I consider myself the second dad. I like helping my brothers and sisters, but it’s a lot of responsibility, because they follow in my footsteps.

My hobby is computers. Over the summer I worked at a library, reading books to young kids. Now I have a job tutoring kids, which makes my parents happy. I saved the money for parts for a computer that I am building.

I started Summit Atlas in September 2018. School is different here. Our learning spaces are more open, not like traditional classrooms. The way we learn is different, too. Everything is individualized, you go at your own pace, and it’s a combination of class time and personalized learning time.

I really like having more personal time, but the flip side is that I can’t be laid back during the school day – I have to use school time wisely. I used to procrastinate, but I’m learning how to manage my time so that I don’t have the pressure of having to take all of my work home. Honestly, I like the independence and not having the stress of procrastinating!

At Atlas, I feel like my teachers help me help myself. Academically, I am challenged here, but I am also supported. I start an idea, then they help me put that idea into action. Math and science are my favorite subjects, and I especially like that science is very hands on. Right now, we’re learning about biodiversity and the effects of ecosystems on one another.

My mentor is Miss Kaufman. I met her a couple days before school. She held three meeting before school even started: with me, with my family, and with our whole mentor group.

Having a mentor group means you always have a place to go—no matter what. Other than your friends, you have a group you can relate to you know them and they know you. In circle, we each share about ourselves and take turns resonating. This helps us honor each other’s cultures and personalities.

I can already tell that Summit Atlas is helping me build towards a great future.

I’ll be the first person in my immediate family to go to college. I plan to do Running Start to get a head start on college courses. My top in-state choice is University of Washington. Out of state, UCLA is my top choice.

After college, I want to be an orthodontist. I used to want to be an anesthesiologist, but my orthodontist has been like a mentor. He explains everything about his job and how it works.

I’m really glad that I chose Summit Atlas because it’s helping me achieve the goals and future I want for myself and my family.