Meet Pullman Community Montessori: Pullman’s New Public Charter School

Aug 19, 2021 | Launching Schools, School Highlights, Updates

With the belief that all children deserve the opportunity to have the education that works best for them, Pullman Community Montessori (PCM) is launching Pullman’s first charter public school, and the state’s first Montessori charter model. Relying on over 100 years of best practices, PCM teachers serve as learning guides while trained instructional assistants support classroom culture and routines. Taking a whole-child approach, PCM offers rigorous academics, a robust social emotional program, and career and life skills development to ensure every learner has the opportunity and mindset to be successful in school, career, and life.

This fall, PCM will serve scholars from Kindergarten through 5th grade. The school will expand one grade level each year thereafter until it reaches full capacity as a K-9 school. The first day of school is August 25.

Still Enrolling! PCM still has a few Kindergarten spaces open for the 2021-22 school year. There is a waitlist for students in grades 1-5.

At PCM, students will learn through action, connecting and physically engaging with their surroundings. Visually stimulating hands-on materials and an emphasis on learning through action bolsters learners’ interest, engagement, and construction of knowledge. Additionally, PCM will leverage local community resources for learners to study the Pullman region’s local heritage, cultures, landscapes, opportunities and experiences, with the goal of building deeper connections while expanding learners’ mastery of academic concepts.

The classic Montessori approach supports learners to assume ownership over their learning, resulting in deeper engagement in school, greater levels of confidence, and stronger time management and problem-solving skills. Learning spaces and opportunities are designed to be flexible and fit the child, not force the child to fit the space. This includes mixed-age classrooms with smooth, logical transitions for learners as they progress academically and through age groupings.

Led by Laylah Sullivan, PCM is rooted in a passion to deliver a powerful whole-child educational approach. “Our founding team is thrilled to be helping realize the community’s vision for a free, public Montessori option. Every child deserves to have a public school that fits their unique needs and learning styles, and we are honored to be able to offer a different option to families,” said Sullivan.

For more information, please contact:

Laylah Sullivan


Visit our main office: STE 212 in the Gladish Community & Cultural Center