Back to School: The Countdown, 3 weeks to go!

Aug 14, 2023 | Back to School

You’ve had time away from teacher’s voices, we wanted to empower them to welcome our students and families back to school.

In charter public schools, we hope that our family and student communities remain tight-knit year round but we’re always eager to bring the team back together every September.

Is that true for teachers too? Have a listen.

I love working with the scholars because it’s never a dull moment. You know, people say that a lot at their jobs… Never a dull moment, it’s not a dull moment. Anytime you’re working with a lot of different personalities, it keeps you on your toes, it keeps you young. It keeps me young! With all these different scholars coming with their personalities and just helping them discover who they are, not who someone else wants them to be. Not who I think they should be, but who they are, who they want to show up as. It just excites me and helps me be prepared.

Henry Jenkins Jr. | Rainier Valley Leadership Academy (Seattle, WA)
We are diverse, diverse learners, diverse personalities, diverse needs, diverse wants…different things about them that just make them really unique. And as advisors, we get to kind of dive into their uniqueness, and how we can use that in their exhibitions and their demonstration of learning. And in their interests! We have this thing called Passion Projects here and it’s totally what a student is passionate about, at the moment.

Quinta Thomas | Why Not You Academy (Des Moines, WA)
I think that the school is so involved with the community, and that we’re making steps and strides to be more involved within the community. And something that was really something that was really kind of lacking at the school I used to work with was just the inclusiveness, the equity for all. And the fact that when there’s a challenge in my job title, it’s not just a, “Emilie, go fix it,” type of thing. It’s a, “how are we going to help you to help make this child successful?” It’s “every kid” and “all kids”, not my kids and their kids. They’re everyone’s kids. So we all have our specialties, but we’re in it together.

Emilie Chavolla | Pinnacles Prep (Wenatchee, WA)

Featured Schools

Rainier Valley Leadership Academy (Seattle, WA)

Grades Offered in 2023-24:
9th– 12th

Pinnacles Prep
(Wenatchee, WA)

Grades Offered in 2023-24:
6th – 9th, will serve 6th – 12th grades in the future

Why Not You Academy
(Des Moines, WA)

Grades Offered in 2023-24:
9th – 11th, will serve 9th – 12th grades in the future