For Immediate Release: July 16, 2014

For Immediate Release | July 16, 2014

Seven Prospective Founders Apply to Open Charter Schools
Past Year a Total of 31 Groups Have Expressed Interest, 28 Groups Have Applied and Eight Schools Have Been Approved Across Washington

SeattleWA Charters interim CEO Marta Reyes-Newberry today issued the following statement praising the seven educators, community groups and organizations that submitted new applications to open public charter schools to the state Charter School Commission (four applications) and Spokane Public Schools (three applications).

In the past year, this brings the total to 31 groups that have expressed interest in opening charter schools in Washington, 28 that have applied and eight charter schools that have been approved thus far to open their doors by 2015. Voters and parents in 2012 approved up to 40 charter schools in the state over a five-year period.

“WA Charters is pleased to see that seven more educators, community groups and a proven charter organization have applied to open new public charter schools across the state. We stand ready to support these new leaders as they work to plan and realize their vision to provide high-quality public school options for students and families in their communities.

“We continue to applaud the commitment of the state Charter School Commission and Spokane Public Schools in setting a high bar. Quality authorizing is crucial for Washington to build a robust charter school sector – ensuring that only the schools best able to meet the needs of students and communities are opened.”

Comprised of local public school leaders, teachers, parents and community leaders, along with a proven charter school organization, these recent applicants illustrate the demand for more public school options in both rural and urban communities statewide. Communities represented include Clark County, Spokane, South Seattle, Pierce County and Yakima Valley.

 Applicants for the state Charter School Commission include:

Applicants for Spokane Public Schools include:

Public charter schools will open in communities across Washington, with the first school opening in Seattle this fall. Under the rigorous approval process, following the submission of charter applications by July 15 to the state Charter School Commission and Spokane Public Schools, prospective founders of this second cohort will next host public forums in September to hear from parents and community members. Final approval decisions will be announced in October.

About WA Charters
The Washington State Charter Schools Association (WA Charters) is a statewide nonprofit organization that supports the start-up of high-quality public charter schools, with a focus on serving academically and economically underserved communities. WA Charters focuses on three key areas of support: providing information about charter schools; supporting leaders to grow high-performing public charter schools; and providing the critical support and services to help charter schools operate successfully. To learn more about public charter schools in Washington, please visit: 
