Summit Olympus Student To Serve As Senator O’Ban Page

Feb 5, 2016 | Blog, News, Updates


Katie Wilton (right) will be a Senate page this year.

Katie Wilton, a founding student at Summit Olympus, will serve as a page for Washington state Senator Steve O’Ban for a week in Olympia at the end of the month. Being selected as a page is an honor that hundreds of students across the state apply for each year.

As a Senate page, Katie will get a hands-on learning experience on how our government works and see the legislative process in action including lawmakers working towards a solution that keeps public charter schools open.

Here is what Gina Wickstead, Co-Executive Director at Summit Olympus had to say about Katie:

“Katie is someone who will never give up. She will never let anything get in the way of her success. She is goal driven and has many ambitions for her future. Katie has the intellectual capability and the heart needed to be successful in anything she puts her mind to.”

Katie is a courageous champion for keeping Summit Olympus and other public charter schools around the state open. She has shared her story on how Summit is helping prepare her to succeed in life with the media, the Legislature and more than 400 community members, lawmakers and students at the public charter schools rally last September.

Congrats Katie on this tremendous honor! We can’t wait to hear about your experience in our state’s capital.

This post was originally published on the Summit Voices blog here.