Every student in Washington deserves a public education that puts them on a path to a successful future. Charter public schools can provide a public education that delivers this path.
We know that students in Washington have so much potential. Students come to class with unique backgrounds and needs. In education, one size does not fit all and, unfortunately, too many students do not get the opportunities they need to thrive. It is up to all of us to provide public schools and an education that meet the potential and needs of our students.
To provide students with the opportunities they deserve, all communities should have fairly funded public schools that are held to high standards and have the flexibility to meet their students’ needs.
Washington’s charter public schools are free and open to all students. We work with communities to meet the needs of their students and families and deliver a public education with proven results. We can help bridge the gap between students and their potential.
We believe in and fight for:
- Excellent public schools that are open to all students and provide a quality education.
- Public schools that are held to high standards and deliver results.
- Public schools that are community driven and responsive to the needs of the families they serve.
- Public schools that have the flexibility to meet unique needs of students and communities.
- Public education that invests the necessary resources to ensure all students, regardless of zip code or background, have what they need to succeed.
We must all work together to deliver the public education students need and deserve.