Statement on Governor’s Proclamation to close K-12 school buildings for the remainder of the school year

Apr 6, 2020 | Blog, News

All charter public schools in Washington state are following the proclamation from the Governor to close all K-12 school buildings for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year.

Charter public schools recognize closing school buildings for the rest of this school year is extremely challenging for students, staff, families and the community. Our charter public schools have prepared for the potential of a closure for the remainder of the school year and have been developing and implementing plans to continue students’ education and provide/arrange support and resources for families. School leaders will communicate the latest updates to their students’ families and faculty. Schools will continue to follow guidance from local, state and federal agencies and are closely monitoring the situation.

We thank all school communities for all they do to provide education and other supports to students and families during this public health challenge. This is a challenging time for us all. Our shared commitment to students and families has been inspiring. The commitment to our community has given us all strength. And our commitment to each other is what will get us through this.