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Meet Orion.

Meet Orion.

My name is Orion and a sophomore in my second year at Summit Atlas. I am proud to be one of Atlas’ founding students. My mom learned about the school from our principal, Ms. B., who was handing out flyers in our neighborhood before the school opened in 2017. Ms. B...

Meet Orion.

Meet Ashley.

My name is Ashley. I am a senior at Summit Sierra in Seattle. I was a founding 9th grader at Summit. And this Spring, I will be among the first charter public high school graduates in Washington state. Let me tell you a little bit about me. I grew up in a pretty...

Meet Orion.

Meet Joseph.

My name is Joseph and I’m a senior at Summit Sierra. I was exploring different high school options and found out about Sierra from a family friend. I’ll admit it was a little nerve-wracking committing to a school that was brand new. There weren’t any older Summit...

Meet Orion.

Meet Frida.

My name is Frida. I’m an eighth-grader and founding student at Rainier Prep, a charter public middle school in Highline. Before I found Rainier Prep, I was struggling. My mom was really determined to find a school that was a better fit for me—a school that really...

Meet Orion.

Meet Mia-Aizada.

My name is Mia-Aizada. I’m a senior at Summit Sierra, a charter public high school in Seattle. Growing up school for me was always difficult. In elementary school, I had trouble focusing on my work and turning in assignments on time. For 6th grade my family chose to...

Meet Orion.

Meet Abdul.

My name is Abdul, and I’m in 9th grade at Summit Atlas in West Seattle. I live close by, in High Point, and heard about a new charter public school option from around the neighborhood. At home, I’m the oldest of five. I live with my mom, dad, two little brothers, and...

Meet Orion.

Meet Abdi.

My name is Abdi. I’m in 7th grade at Summit Atlas. I come from a big family – I have five older siblings and three younger siblings. Four of us attend Atlas. I have a sister in 6th grade here, and our twin brothers are in 10th grade. I have a lot of responsibilities...

Meet Orion.

Meet Crystal.

My name is Crystal. I’m a founding student at Rainier Prep in Highline. I live in Burien with my parents, who immigrated from Vietnam before I was born. When I started 5th grade here, everyone, including our teachers, had to figure things out together! Rainier Prep is...

Meet Orion.

Meet the Parent: Danielle Davies

WA Charters' Franki McDaniel recently sat down with Tacoma charter parent Danielle Davies. Here's what Danielle had to say about why charters are the right fit for her family, and her views on parent involvement.  Where do you live, and what schools do your children...