Our Statement on the Confirmation of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education

For Immediate Release | February 7, 2017

WA Charters issued the following statement regarding the confirmation of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education today:

Our public education system is — and this can’t be argued — the backbone of our democracy. As advocates for the right of every child regardless of zip code or background to have access to an excellent public education, we will be looking now to Secretary DeVos to hold up and champion these values. We also want to reiterate our commitment to standing up for student’s civil rights at every turn. In Washington state, our charter public school law is one of the strongest in the nation in terms of its focus on closing the opportunity gap and providing a great public education to students who need us most and are frequently left behind. Our schools serve a majority of students of color, a majority of students from low-income households, and kids who have traditionally left behind. The next four years, as ever, we will be focused on doing what is best for these students.