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Student Voice

Favian Martinez (Rainier Prep) at Pathfinders 2022

Favian Martinez (Rainier Prep) at Pathfinders 2022

By Favian Martinez I am a proud founding student from Rainier Prep’s Class of 2019.  I am currently a senior at O’Dea High School.  My sights are set on Seattle University to study psychology and to play on their soccer team.  As I look back at starting...

Favian Martinez (Rainier Prep) at Pathfinders 2022

Student Q&A with Kh’Merrion (KK), RVLA

KK is in the 10th grade at Rainier Valley Leadership Academy. We recently sat down with KK to learn more about her educational journey and experience at RVLA. Kh'Merrion (KK), 10th Grade, Rainier Valley Leadership Academy What drew you to RVLA? I’ve been going to RVLA...